Be a CLEF mentor for a Charlotte County student!

To join, Contact Us

CLEF needs mentors!

To join our team, Contact Us

Help change a life today!

Florida 'Support Education' specialty tag, $20 purchase goes to OUR local schools Florida 'Support Education' specialty tag, $20 purchase goes to OUR local schools

The Florida 'Support Education' specialty tag is available

Your $20 purchase benefits OUR local schools.

CLEF: Our mentors know (almost) everything.

Our mentors know (almost) everything.

Make a Difference Today! Sponsor the cost of a college scholarship for one of our students. Your Tax-Deductible gift will have an immediate impact in our community.

Golden Apple

Charlotte Local Education Foundation, Helping Students in Charlotte County, FL

Solving Problems. Changing Lives.

Helping Charlotte County students reach their full potential is what the Education Foundation is all about. We bring resources and people together to support and enhance education for our students. Through financial resources, mentoring, and goal setting, we are helping young leaders improve the world around them and building a stronger community for all of us.


Imagine a student discovering their true talents. Imagine all of our students walking across the stage to accept their high school diploma and their college degree. Imagine you being a part of making this happen. Through your generous financial support, your time spent mentoring and shaping a student, and/or enlisting other community members to help, we can make our imaginations come to life with true success stories, one child at a time.

Our Impact Across Florida


Florida Counties


Local Programs


Middle & High Schools


Colleges & Universities




Students Since 1995

Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!